Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog 3

When thinking about customer experience, it is prevalent in just about any purchase we make. I never really thought about grocery shopping as an important customer experience – I thought it a habit. But that habit must have initially started as a trial and then somewhere in my purchasing process became a habit. Now where I shop for something as routine as groceries has become a staple for something far greater that just habitual.
I shop for my groceries at HEB and have done so for years. I would help my dad shop for groceries back when I was still living at home and he would always shop at HEB as well. Maybe I enjoy shopping for groceries at HEB because I grew up shopping there with my family. It could represent a subconscious emotional tie that I have every time I walk in to HEB and shop. It’s a nostalgic feeling that reminds me of my childhood.
HEB has developed related and emotional strategic experiential modules. It appeals to my desire of self and to culture. The company itself has done a good job marketing itself as a “Texas” brand built on different emotional ties. HEB knows what it is to be from Texas. It portrays its commercials in that light that it understands our customs and traditions and wants to be a part of them. As far as emotional modules, some of HEB’s marketing campaigns have family celebrations where the food is purchased from HEB. Other commercials revolve around family ideals that help to strengthen that bond that reminds consumers like me of HEB, family, and groceries – They go hand in hand.
Aside from the emotional connection that HEB has established with me, there is also the sensory experience I feel when I step in to an HEB. The well-lit environment, the colorful and refined building structure, the smell of the bakery section, and the look of the visually appealing fruit section all tell me that the environment is great. All those factors appeal to my senses and evoke a strong tie of HEB and myself.
One of HEB’s recent competitors that given a fight in the grocery industry is Wal-Mart. Growing up, I always knew Wal-Mart as a discounted store where you could get clothes, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and house ware. It wasn’t until I was older that they started to expand and set-up a grocery section. I have never really been appealed to shop for my food at Wal-Mart, half based on the fact that I grew up getting food at HEB and getting clothes at Wal-Mart and half on the fact that Wal-Mart is a discount store and their food quality is lower than HEB. Not to mention the fact that until recently Wal-Mart’s environmental appeal was lower quality, that is the lighting and building structure as well as the mess you are sure to find in the clothing and toy departments. That is what I associate with Wal-Mart, discounted goods and not quality food.
In closing, customer experience is present in any shopping experience we have. Whether it’s grocery shopping, such as in this article or it’s something grander like car shopping. The experience is crucial to obtaining customers for that business. Because HEB has instilled the messages of sensation, affection, and cognition experience modules I identify with the brand and undergo a more holistic customer experience when purchasing from HEB. When you develop that tie with the brand and customer relationship strengths you trust that brand will deliver a great customer experience no matter what. That will keep me going back to HEB for years to come.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog Post #2

The persona I will create on is that of adulthood. The persona adulthood is arguably the longest and most critical persona of the five identified. It is in this persona where most average healthy consumers spend the majority of their lives. They work, they gain disposable income, and they consume products and services. They are a critical persona to any marketing and product development team.
I will focus on myself and how I view myself and others similar to me. I will also view myself as an outsider, maybe a close personal friend who knows me and my tendencies. The persona will be multi-faceted and complex, it will even be contradictory at times. Personas are not rational and not logical at all times. Personas are human, personas are you and me.
The persona for me will include numerous things:
-          A 22 year old male who is a fifth year student at The University of Texas. He will be graduating soon with a marketing degree, and is somewhat uncertain about what the future holds after graduation.
-           He is the first in his family to go to college, and soon to be first college graduate from his family. He is the oldest in his family and has set a path for his younger siblings to follow.
-          He is good at preparing for school, but does like to procrastinate and wait until the next day to start. He does always complete his work on time and prepare for exams properly. He is disciplined in his studies when he absolutely has to be.
-          He is a sports fan. He follows the Longhorns sports and has season football tickets. He tries to make it to other sporting events but never has. He enjoys tailgating with his friends before heading off in to the stadium. The Texas sun is brutal during football season but that has no effect on him, he will go to the game on Saturday.
-          He lives off campus in South Austin with two roommates. He enjoys living with friends rather than on his own. He has his own room with his own amenities. He cooks on occasion but for the majority of his meals he microwaves the meals. Nutrition is big for him so he eats healthy but does indulge in sweets every now and then.
-          Health is important him. He spends 4-5 days a week exercising. Health problems run in the family, and he wants to stay away from those complications. Exercise and proper eating are preventative measures taken to minimize those chances.
-          He spends about 3 hours a day watching TV or movies. He does not like the commercials, so instead of waiting for the show to come back on what he does is skim through the other networks and find something else to watch while the other show is on a commercial break.
-          As far as spending money, he is a conservative shopper. He buys what he needs most of the time and buys things to indulge in on lesser occasions. He buys new clothes maybe three times a year, he is more than happy to wear the clothes he has now. If the clothes still fit and do not have tears they are perfectly fine. He spends more money on food than anything else. He eats out twice a week at restaurants, so that means that he eats in a lot of the time.
-          Social media is a nice tool to have, but he is not addicted to it. If he goes days at a time without checking Facebook it is fine. On the subject, Facebook is the only social media platform that he is on – it’s more than enough.